Just a quick post today with the details on my IG reel on how to keep your craft space clean!

Nothing is as annoying as messing up a finished card with a smudge of ink or stray glitter. As much as I hate to say it, my mom was right when she said “clean as you go!” 😆 Cleaning is not the most glamorous topic, but here’s an easy hack for keeping your workstation clean.

I use a lint-free cloth or wipes to clean up most messes on my work surface. But when it comes to small stuff like glitter, embossing powder, die cut waste, all I was doing was pushing the mess around. So again, I shopped my own stash and came up with lint rollers. Instead of dog hair, now I roll up glitter 💪!

I don’t like the disposable sheet type rollers (too wasteful), so these reusable ones are perfect. I have one large roller (the pink one) and one small one (the peach ball). The best thing about these rollers is that they are made of a sticky gel that can be washed with water and reused (what kind of magic is that?).

I use these rollers to pick up glitter, embossing powder, die cut waste, small paper scraps, and more. The little ball lint roller is especially good for getting into nooks and crannies because the gel part is thicker and conforms to uneven surfaces. (Just a tip on using the ball roller, squeeze the two side “buttons” as you’re rolling otherwise the gel ball wants to pop out.) The larger roller type is better for larger desktops and surfaces. I love that both of these options have their own covers. They work great on all the surfaces in my craftroom including silicone mats and glass mats. Go check out my IG reel or YT Short if you want to see them in action.

Added note: Some folks have asked about the glitter going down the drain. Did you know that my daytime job is a water scientist? So I totally get it. I try to be environmentally thoughtful, but I know that there’s always room for improvement. Yes, there is some glitter that goes down the drain, but I will say a couple things. First, I do use a small brush/pan set to sweep up as much as I can to dispose into the waste. What is left is a very small amount. Second, I do think this is an improvement to using a lint-free cloth that, again, gets washed in the sink. I have scaled back my use of glitter lately (not that I used a ton, but not as much) and I am looking for a good eco-friendly option. I did receive some biodegradable samples recently and I’m hoping to use them soon.

Again, this crafty tip is not going to save a life, but anything that helps you have more fun in the craftroom is time well spent!

Aloha, jj

My most used craftroom cleaning supplies: